Monthly Archives: September 2015

A random thought on immigration

If you have a thin skin… STOP READING!

Let me say up front that I not thoughtless and cruel and self serving…

So an Immigration Group planned for a whole year (and have done this very thing on other occasions) to have a child of UNDOCUMENTED PARENTS who are in the USA ILLEAGALLY, run up to Pope Francis and plead their cause.


Questions…. WHY isn’t the INS investigating? HOW can this child’s father possibly working in a Factory? To work LEAGALLY in the United States you need DOCUMENTATION! Does this mean the factory knowingly hires Illegals? In which case they need to be investigated. Is this man working with FALSIFIED papers??? Arrest the man. That’s FRAUD.

I have no idea what the families back story is. Perhaps they fled persecution of some type. Maybe they just wanted more that what they could do/have where they were.. It’s irrelevant. Maybe they heard that the good old USA is a push over…

The reasons are irrelevant.

What matters is simple… are they trying to assimilate into our culture? Are they Proud to be in America? Are they willing to give their all to our country? Are they making sure their children are good citizens? Are they WORKING and contributing.. Paying taxes and SS etc???

Just curious

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